Technology Newsletters » Issue 9

Issue 9

Reach for Reading family newsletters are now available in ALL languages! These newsletters  contain great suggestions for how parents or guardians can engage students in activities that support unit themes, as well as brief summaries of each of the major stories. This makes them perfect for previews for EL students or students with learning challenges. Click HERE for a short video that shows you where to find them. 
Sharing only a portion of your screen on Zoom. If you do not want to share your whole screen with students on Zoom, or if you’d like to zoom in on and highlight a specific area or item on your screen, check out THIS 1-minute tutorial to learn how!
Tired of all the clicking and right-clicking you do during the day? Save time by using these keyboard shortcuts instead!
Have a tech question? Or want to share any tech advice, tips or tricks that may be useful for your colleagues? Post it now on the Virtual Staff Room located on top left of the EPS Virtual Learning website’s home screen. This is a space for all of us to help support each other as we navigate digital education.    