Technology Newsletters » Issue 1

Issue 1

Google Classroom tutorials for students are now available in 14 languages on the EPS Virtual Learning Website! You can find them at the bottom of the Google Classroom page. Please share them with students and parents!
Did you make any technology-related instructional videos that you wish were more accessible to your ELs and non-English speaking parents? Try this:
      • Log into YouTube with your Everett Google account and create a private channel with all of your videos that only your students/parents can access.
      • From YouTube, students and parents can turn on auto-generated subtitles to access your videos in ANY language. 
      • To learn how to turn on the auto-generated subtitles in any YouTube video, click HERE for a brief tutorial.
Note: Because the subtitles will be generated automatically by the computer, there may be some errors in the created captions. To make sure that your students and their parents get the most accurate translation, try to speak slower than usual and be sure to pronounce your words carefully.
Open in an app in Clever for all of your students at the same time using Clever’s “Launch an App” feature!

Oftentimes, during a Zoom teaching session, teachers will want all of their students to log into the same app in Clever to complete a task or assignment.  As we know, technology can be difficult to navigate, and so it can sometimes take a while to get all of our students on a specific platform.  Clever, however, came up with a solution to help us with this! Now, YOU can open the app or platform of your choice for all of your students.  Just follow these step-by-step instructions HERE.


Have you been a victim of “Zoom-Bombing”? To ensure that your Zoom meeting stays secure, try practicing the following with your grade level team or department:

  • Enabling the “Waiting Room” security feature when creating your Zoom meeting.
  • Turning off the video of students who are being disruptive.  To do this, simply click on “Participants”, move your mouse over the name of the student whose video you wish to disable, click “more”, and then you will see an option to stop their video.  The student will not be able to turn it back on once you do this.  To turn it back on, you’ll have to follow the same steps but just select the option that requests they turn their video on.
  • Sending students to the “Waiting Room” if they are causing any disruptions. First, the student receives a message to inform him or her that you will be sending them to the Wait Room for a specified amount of time. To move the student, put your mouse over the name of the student who you wish to send to the Waiting Room, click “more”, and then you will see an option to send him/her to the Waiting Room. Once he or she is re-admitted, if you would like to conference with the student about their behavior, you could create a breakout session to confer with him or her individually.
  • Make sure that you don’t have a student listed twice! If a student's name shows up twice, please confirm with the student that they are calling in from two different devices.  If they are only calling in from one device, then confirm which one it is by having them turn on their camera.  Send the other one to the Waiting Room.  You may also want to ask that students have their cameras on at the beginning of class so they can be easily identified.  If, however, you know that the second person is not supposed to be in your class and has just logged in with someone else's info to "Zoom Bomb," simply click "remove participant" to permanently eject the participant from the session.