Mission Statement
The Everett Public Schools will provide a stimulating, integrated educational environment for the intellectual, cultural, social and physical growth of all children while fostering the necessary concepts, attitudes and skills for further growth. This environment will encourage each student to develop the needed skills and sensitivity for living effectively and responsibly.
It is the Everett Public Schools’ responsibility, in cooperation with the community, to provide the best possible education for all children. The schools will offer the opportunity for decision-making, self-actualization and continued personal development while realizing that there are diverse capabilities in every human being.
The local community will provide the necessary financial support and active participation in the educational process to ensure the desired results.
To Support the Mission Statement, the Everett Public Schools Will Adhere to the Following Principles:
- To accept all students for who they are.
- To accommodate the varying learning styles and learning rates of all children.
- To develop self-esteem in all students.
- To respect cultural differences within the student population.
- To educate all students to become lifelong learners.
- To maintain high levels of expectations and to provide opportunities for all students to reach their maximum potential.
- Your attitude toward school attendance sets the tone for your child's attitude. Be POSITIVE!
- Regardless of your child's age, set a regular bedtime and/or curfew.
- Allow plenty of time for getting ready in the morning.
- Provide an alternate plan for getting your child to school on time.
- Make every possible effort to schedule doctor, dentist and other appointments after school hours.
- When you must schedule appointments during the school day, try to stagger them so that your child does not miss the same class every time.
- If your child must be out of school for an appointment, make every effort to get him/her back to school for at least part of the school day.
- Refuse to view tardiness as acceptable behavior.
- Refuse to write excuses for anything other than a legitimate absence.
- Discourage early dismissals.
- Talk to your child about responsibility and the need to develop good work habits and positive attitudes now.
- Plan family vacations in accordance with the school calendar.
- If you know in advance that your child must be absent, notify his/her teacher(s) and make sure that your child understands his/her responsibility for making up work that is missed.
- Do not send a child who is ill to school. Use good judgment.