Universal Field Trip
Pre-K through Grade 8
Dear Parent: During the school year, your child will have the opportunity to participate in field trips during regular school hours. Field trip locations vary – some within the city of Everett (library, post office, etc.) and others outside of the city. Rather than requesting a permission slip for every trip, we would like one general permission slip for the school year, signed and returned to the school (see below). The permission slip applies to bus and walking trips. You will be notified in advance concerning all bus trips. If you do not wish your child to take a particular bus trip, please notify the school in writing before the trip occurs.
Please sign the form below and return it to the school.
This slip will be kept on file by the teacher.
STUDENT’S NAME_______________________________________________________________________________________
The above-named student has my permission to accompany his/her class on planned bus and walking trips during the school day. I understand that I will be notified in advance concerning bus trips. I also realize that classes from time to time may walk to the local library, firehouse, police station, park, etc as part of their daily school activities.
PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE_______________________________________________________DATE_______________