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The Everett High School Theatre Company performed “Chicago (Teen Version)” on Wednesday, June 5, and Thursday, June 6, to a PACKED audience! The students “razzled” and “dazzled” the crowd and ended the performance to a rousing standing ovation. Congratulations to the actors and Ms. Britt Mitchell (director), Ms. Lunara Devers (choreography), Mr. Corey Crofoot (music director), and our amazing students! And thanks to the EHS Band for providing musical accompaniment.

High school students performing the teen version of "Chicago." Actors behind bars
High school students performing the teen version of "Chicago."
High school students performing the teen version of "Chicago." Soloist
High school students performing the teen version of "Chicago." Actors behind bars
High school students performing the teen version of "Chicago." Solist
High school students performing the teen version of "Chicago." Solist
High school students performing the teen version of "Chicago." Group number
High school students performing the teen version of "Chicago." Group number
High school students performing the teen version of "Chicago." Group number
High school students performing the teen version of "Chicago." Soloist
High school students performing the teen version of "Chicago." Soloist
High school students performing the teen version of "Chicago." Group number
High school students performing the teen version of "Chicago." Group number
High school students performing the teen version of "Chicago." Soloist
High school students performing the teen version of "Chicago." Soloist
High school students performing the teen version of "Chicago." Group number
High school students performing the teen version of "Chicago." Group number
High school students performing the teen version of "Chicago." Group number
High school students performing the teen version of "Chicago." Group number
High school students performing the teen version of "Chicago." Wide-angle view of the stage
High school students performing the teen version of "Chicago." Wide-angle view of the stage
High school students performing the teen version of "Chicago." Wide-angle view of the stage
High school students performing the teen version of "Chicago." Wide-angle view of the stage
High school students performing the teen version of "Chicago." Wide-angle view of the stage
High school students performing the teen version of "Chicago." Soloist
High school students performing the teen version of "Chicago." Wide-angle view of the stage