Photo Album

Posed photo, adults standing on a stairway
Posed photo, eight adults, four seated and four standing
Posed photo, seven adults in a row
Candid photo, people in a school hallway talking
Candid photo, a Pre-kindergarten classroom filled with students
Candid, a teacher seated at her desk and two visitors standing nearby
Candid photo, a Pre-kindergarten classroom filled with students
Candid photo, a Pre-kindergarten classroom filled with students
Candid, two women standing and talking inside a classroom
Candid photo, a Pre-kindergarten classroom filled with students
Candid photo, a Pre-kindergarten classroom filled with students
Candid, three woman talking to each other, one standing and two seated
Candid photo of people talking in school hallway
Candid photo of pre-kindergarten students seated on the floor, surrounding their teacher
Candid, people gathered in a large school hallway
Candid, adults observing a pre-kindergarten class
Candid photo of people talking in school hallway
Candid, three people standing and talking inside a school
Candid photo of people standing in a circle and talking
Candid photo of people talking in school hallway
Posed photo, adults standing inside a classroom with a teacher
Candid photo of people talking in school hallway
Candid photo of two young students and two teachers standing in a school lobby
Candid photo of a classroom filled with students and adult visitors
Candid, a woman standing and talking
Candid photo of people talking in school hallway
Candid photo of people talking in school hallway
Candid, three women inside a classroom
A plate of food — sliced steak with mashed potatoes and carrots
A plate of Caesar salad
High school students gathered around a table, working on a robotic racecar
A teacher holding open her laptop, explaining something to two women standing behind her