Artistic Expression

Artist Elisa Hamilton visited Everett High School on Thursday, March 2nd to talk to students about her 15-year career as a socially-engaged multimedia artist whose work includes drawings, paintings, installations, sound, design and more.

Ms. Hamilton, whose work was featured in a Page 1 story in the February 24th edition of the Boston Globe, spoke to students about her life and work. Students were especially interested in her work "JukeBox", which features 100 stories and histories from community members in Cambridge. She fielded thoughtful questions about the creative process and applying to art school and for grants. After the presentation, students had the chance to bravely share some of their own stories with Ms. Hamilton.

The artist is pictured here with EHS students and EPS Art Coordinator Cari DiCicco, who attended MassArt with Ms. Hamilton.

Three photos, an artist with students and teachers, inside the EHS Library